“Ghanians should forgive me; I’m the main reason for my problems.” – Amusing Expression


Funny Face released an emotional statement after being granted bail, which made many Ghanaians feel sorry and empathetic.

The comedian talked candidly about his recent struggles and admitted that he bears the majority of the blame for his current situation in an interview with KOFI TV.

Funny Face accepted responsibility for his acts that led to his problems, even though in the past he was blamed for his baby mama’s problems.

Funny Face expressed regret and acknowledged that he might have done more to prevent his actions from drawing negative attention from the public.

He exhibited a profound sense of regret and realised the extent of his troubles.

The comedian asked for forgiveness for any hurt that his acts may have caused and offered a heartfelt apology to both his worldwide fan base and Ghanaians throughout the conversation.

In order to bring peace back into his life, he underlined his dedication to seeking reconciliation when needed and making constructive changes.


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