Drama when Mcbrown “clashes” with Serwaa Prikles, the woman who is purportedly attempting to kidnap her husband “on the highway”


Remember how last year, there were rumours circulating about an Instagram model and socialite going by the handle Serwaa Prikles attempting to kidnap Mr. Maxwell from Mcbrown?

Rumours that came from the bottom of the abyss claimed that Mr. Maxwell had even moved out of his married house to live with Serwaa Prikles.

Mcbrown vehemently denied allegations that chaos was imminent at her house during the height of the rumours.

Even after Mcbrown clarified things, some internet users still believe Mr. Maxwell and Serwaa are having a covert relationship.

Serwaa Prikles concurrently left a remark under Mcbrown’s Instagram post wishing one of her goddaughters a “happy birthday” shortly after Mcbrown did.

The post has been interpreted differently by social media users who have seen it.

Some have speculated that Serwaa is closely observing Mcbrown, which is why she paused her remarks just seconds after Mcbrown gave hers.


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