Big guys and presidents want to chop me off, Wendy Shay boasts.


Wendy Shay, also known as “Ghana Wake Up,” is a musician from Ghana who has revealed something startling.

Wendy Shay believed that speaking out was a preferable course of action after fabricating allegations of being Henry Fitz’s prey through a series of tweets on her official social media accounts.

Wendy Shay, who claims she does not personally know Henry Fitz, has stated in a self-recorded video that has gone viral on social media that she has never slept with him for money.

Everything in life, including her purchase of a Range Rover, has been earned, according to the Shay geng chief.

The last thing she would do before leaving this world would be to sell her body for money, she revealed.

In an unexpected revelation, Wendy disclosed that numerous presidents and wealthy men are in her direct message (DM) with the intention of exchanging money for sex, proving that she is a real girl and does not sell her body instead.

It is not who she is, she claims, that she has listened to any of the aforementioned groups of people.


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