Ghanaians deserve an explanation for this –  Fancy Gadam Manager to Telecel Music Awards Organizers


Hassan Al Hussein, The artist manager for multiple award-winning afrobeat stars, Fancy Gadam, questioned the organizers of the Telecel Ghana music awards after releasing the nominees for the 2024 music awards.

It is hard for Hassan AL Hussein to comprehend why one of the top-performing albums from the year under review was left out of the best album category.

Released on October 14, 2023, the Fancy Gadem competition record was anticipated to receive a nomination for best album of the year.
He expressed his dissatisfaction on Facebook and asked the organizers for an explanation.

OK . So I read a couple of posts on here from several people suggesting that the category Fancy Gadam got nominated this year is a “Can’t Win” for him . Their opinions are well noted . However , I will like us to do a little reminiscing & a chronicle of past VGMA’s He got nominated in..
1. in 2017 , this perception wasn’t new . It was ofcourse a very stiff competition between Ahmed Mujahid Bello & whole lot of musicians all competing for NEW ARTIST OF THE YEAR . It wasn’t an easy contest as he had to battle it out with the likes of Medikal, Ebony of blessed memory , Nii Funny just to mention but a few . With the massive support of His loyal fan base and the people of North, he brought the award home . So NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE .
2. The following year 2018 brought yet another thrilling competition. And in fact that very year VGMA && the people of Ghana had the shock of their lives when Fancy Gadam won all categories he got nominated . HIPLIFE SONG OF THE YEAR AND THE MOST POPULAR SONG OF THE YEAR ALL WITH “ALMIGHTY” TOTAL CHEAT . I don’t need to mention the Artists and the songs total cheat competed with . We all saw the brouhaha and the aftermath of VGMA 18 .
Now the question we all need ask ourselves is HOW DID HE DO IT ? . Fortunately, We all know the answer . People voted massively for him . The narrative is not going to change. He is very capable of bringing AFROBEATS SONG OF THE YEAR home if we massively Vote 🗳️ for him in that category .
And you see , it’s about time . Every single music lover from the North and beyond jealously protect Him. He’s our PRIDE . The efforts he’s putting up together with his team need to applauded ..
It is most unfortunate . TVGMA needs to explain to Ghanaians why they failed to nominate COMPETITION ALBUM in this year ALBUM of the year . The aged Long tag of favoritism in the nominations widely held by many bests fit in this regard. THE ALBUM online impressions alone has done better than over 90% of the Albums nominated this year .
Nonetheless NOTHING SPOIL … 🙏🙏😊


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