Drama as boyfriend breaks up with his girlfriend for denying him access to phone he bought for her – VIDEO


A content creator called Holy Flamess has lit some flames in a young couple’s relationship as an interview with them later saw the lovers going their separate ways and calling it a quit.

The lovers were out having fun as the festive season was here with us when Flamess appeared from nowhere to ask them a few tempting relationship questions.

The lady was first asked if there was any way, she could release her phone for his guy to check what she had on it.

She replied no and the guy thought she was joking. The guy was also asked if he was willing to release his phone for his girlfriend to check and he boldly said yes.

He then attempted to give his phone to the lady to check so she could also bring out her own but the lady had no plans to do that.

She continuously insisted on not letting her boyfriend spy on her phone to ascertain if she was keeping something away from him or not.

The guy got furious and made it known on camera he was the one who even bought the phone for her but the lady insisted leading to their breakup immediately.

Watch the dramatic moment below


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