An African tribe, experts in p3nis enlargement before plastic surgery


Long before modern methods for p3nis enlargement became known, the Batammariba were renowned for their expertise in enlarging and elongating the male member as part of a unique initiation process.

Nestled in the mountainous regions of these West African countries, the Batammariba were famous not only for their p3nis enlargement technique but also for their architectural prowess.

In Togo, they call the northeastern Kara regions home, sharing the territory with the Kabye people, who are the second-largest tribe in Togo.

The p3nis enlargement ritual, primarily practiced among the Somba, was a crucial component of the journey to manhood. Here’s how it worked: a traditional herb was pounded and applied to the p3nis, and then, a carefully sized hole was carved into a tree branch or ivory.

The initiate would insert his member into this hole for several months, gradually achieving the desired size and length, as recounted by historical records.


During the final public initiation rites, the initiates were adorned in opulent attire, adorned with cowrie shells around their necks and waists, and crowned with horned headdresses.

The term “Batammariba” is believed to translate to “the people who are the real builders of the earth,” but colonizers also gave them the name “Tamberma,” meaning “Good Builders.”

A visit to Koutammakou, where many Batammariba reside, reveals their unique architecture, characterized by mud Takienta tower-houses. These two-story structures feature either flat or conical thatched roofs.

The ground floor of these fortified houses, known as Tata Somba, was traditionally used for sheltering livestock at night, while internal alcoves served as cooking spaces. The upper floor housed a rooftop courtyard and provided areas for drying grain, sleeping, and storing grains.

Each house held symbolic significance, representing fertility and fecundity. Women of the house would decorate it by creating grooves in the wet mud before it dried, resulting in the distinctive horizontally ridged appearance.

With a population estimated at over 176,000, the Batammariba migrated to their current location from the north and northwest, where they lived alongside the Mossi people between the 16th and 18th centuries, according to historical research.


Traditionally agro-pastoralists, the wealth of a Batammariba family was determined by the size of their livestock, which also held key socio-cultural roles. Records indicate that 52 percent of their animals were designated for funerals, 28 percent for dowries, and the remaining 20 percent for sale.

Significantly, when a man passed away, another initiation ceremony was conducted in his honor. Failing to do so could discourage his offspring from participating or, in extreme cases, lead to their demise.

During these funerary rites, the funeral house was adorned with funeral cloth, similar to how initiates were dressed.

Rich fabrics were draped over the upper stories of the house, cowrie shells decorated the doorway, and earthen horns adorned the entrance roof.

These rituals served to reinitiate the house, ensuring its continued representation and nurturing of future generations.

In conclusion, the Batammariba people’s unique traditions and architectural marvels provide a glimpse into the rich tapestry of West African culture.

Their practices, which span from genital enlargement rituals to intricate house-building techniques, are a testament to their deep-rooted customs and enduring heritage.


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